To be perfectly honest, I’ve never understood why Christians like to get their panties in twist over this one. Natural Selection is brilliant in it’s simplicity and it works with every known form of life. I think that it runs back to an Old Testament Story where Adam sits around whipping out names for every animal. How could good old Adam have named, say, The Duck Billed Platypus, when it didn’t exist at the same time he did?
Since most Christians like to toss out anything they don’t like out from the Old Testament, why are they so hot for this bit of nonsense? Of course, it isn’t Natural Selection that gets people upset, it’s that whole life evolved from lower lifeforms things. Usually this means Man Evolved from Apes, though that is not what Darwin said. And there is a bit of trouble with evolution from apes, for instance, why are the apes still here?Creationism, or Intelligent Design as it has been rebranded, works on the notion that some great and powerful Being-(See The Bible, The Talmud, and The Koran for more on this Benevolent/Vengeful Being)-snapped his/her/its fingers and the universe came out of the nowhere and into the here. The truth is that this makes as much sense as anything we know for a fact. Since it is hard to recreate the moment of The Big Bang without triggering a Whole New Universe, this is an experiment best left alone to my way of thinking. The general scientific idea that the universe started with an incredible dense bit of matter called a singularity and-something happens-the singularity starts to expand and fill all know nothing with a lot of empty space. Almost all theories on the creation of the universe work along the lines of the Underpants Gnome’s Master Plan to Wealth. It goes like this-First, we steal underpants, Second-something happens, Third we make profit. This is a dead brilliant plan, except for a couple of concerns about step number Two, which are always overcome by insisting that Step Number Three-We Make Profit, will fix everything.Darwin, on the other hand, is pure solid science fact that works. You can say you don’t believe in the law of gravity, but if I drop an eight pound sledge hammer on your foot I’m betting your going to feel some major discomfort. Darwin’s Evolution by the Process of Natural Selection is how your parents met and conceived you. Unless your parents were in an arranged marriages or she was raped, and natural selection can still be used on the rape case, only it was not mutual selection, just the man’s.
There is nothing but proof that Natural Selection is responsible for every living thing on Earth, and no proof for anything else. Female peacocks(peahens) like big tails on their men, so the peacock has grown a really big ass tail in response to this desire. That’s Natural Selection, that’s Evolution by Natural Selection. People like to think that they are smarter than Peacocks, or monkeys, or well, anything else on earth. We don’t look at someone and say, wow, I want to have sex with that person and produce beautiful children as a result of that union. Most of us when we are young and full of hormones tend to think, at least a few hundred times a day, I want to have sex with that person-pretty much any person. Maybe we don’t act on the impulse, but we think about it. When you have the hots for someone, that’s Natural Selection banging on your door.
Of course, no one cares that Darwin was Right. But it’s one of topics you have to think about sometime.

The only problem with your theory is that the “singularity” came from nothing and we all know that in science “stuff” does not appear from nothing