Danica Patrick in a Swimsuit

Sports Illustrated has a series of photos of race car driver Danica Patrick in a Swimsuit. Danica Patrick, swimsuit, racing helmet, and a lovely beach, what more could you ask for? I am not a big fan of auto racing. Nascar and Drag Racing and other motorized sports don’t much interest me. I kind of like the whole formula one thing because the cars look pretty cool.

Of course, the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue has never really had much to do with sports anyway. And if you want to see more of Danica Patrick’s trim frame the photos she did for FHM were a bit more revealing and better shot. The FHM photo shoot has a few photos of Danica Patrick in a swimsuit.

I am all for anyone making as much as they can while they can in any way that they can. But I am always a bit baffled by Pro Athletes who seem desperate the make a buck by any means necessary-aren’t they richer than God anyway? Danica Patrick is a famous race car driver-why does she need to do this stuff? Maybe she doesn’t need to, she just wants to. Always wanted to be a model, but never really had what it takes. So she choose the next best thing-formula one racing.

Danica Patrick won her first Indy Car race earlier this year and got in a fight with another woman racer during a recent practice. But really, it is the Danica Patrick posters, Danica Patrick photos, Danica Patrick swimsuit photos that keep Danica Patrick in the main stream news. Danica Patrick Super Model-people will ask: didn’t she used to drive cars for a living?

Published by Jon Herrera

Writer, Photographer, Blogger.