Jerry Jones is A Dancing Fool.
When Jerry Jones bought the Dallas Cowboys Football Team the first thing he did was fire Head Coach Tom Landry, Living Legend and The Only Head Coach The Dallas Cowboys Have Ever Had. He did this so he could hire his college buddy Jimmy Johnson, soon to be Living Legend and Most Famous Helmet Hair The Dallas Cowboys Football Team Have Ever Had. This is not help the sell of Dallas Cowboys football tickets. Not right away anyway. Jerry Jones was not doing any celebration dances that first couple of years.
The story on the Dallas Cowboys Football Team the last four years has been Big Bill Parcels and fill-in-the-blank. Dallas Cowboy football tickets were still hard to get, but no one really seemed to want to go to the Dallas Cowboy football games. Big Bill would change that. Big Bill was a real coach. Big Bill was one more Living Legend to add to the Dallas Cowboys Football legacy. Except that Big Bill was so past his sell-by date that he still thought it was 1980 and the team he coached didn’t win a single playoff game. We just have one standard here in Dallas, The Dallas Cowboys Win the Super Bowl or you are a total and complete Failure.
So Big Bill let us down in all regards but one. He kept that loud mouthed jerk Jerry Jones in the shadows. Every story about the Dallas Cowboys was about Bill Parcels. Every member of the Dallas Cowboys football team was coupled with Parcels and how are you and Big Bil getting along? Jones was always there in the background, and it was undoubtedly Jerry Jones that brought the T.O. show to town. There is one bright side to the Micheal Vick story, it was not the Terrell Owens story.
But Big Bill is gone now. People are buying Dallas Cowboys tickets again. Camp Cupcake is here with Bum Phillips’ little boy, Wade, running the show. This is the big comeback. There is no chance that the soft and fuzzy Wade Phillips will overshadow super ego Jerry Jones. This commercial of Jerry Jones doing a celebration dance when a Pizza is delivered is classic This-Is-My-Team-Dammit Jerry. As the new Dallas Cowboys stadium raises out of the dust in Arlington, we can all expect it to be covered with as many logos as a stock car drivers jumpsuit and Jerry Jones dancing all the way to the bank.
So yeah, Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones is a jerk, but after all these years we’ve come to accept him as our jerk.