I grew up in a slightly odd household. My Mom was one of those Thrifty Sorts that did everything she could to keep her family feed. Part of this was buying a lot of stuff in bulk. Part was freezing things like bread and Twinkies, that I am not at all sure were improved by freezing. Being my mother’s son, I took to doing things a bit off myself. One of my favorite foods is French Toast, or Egg Toast, or just bits of bread dipped in scrambled egg and then fried-with fresh black pepper applied liberally on top. This never fails to get a good reaction when I am at Denny’s and eating French Toast already covered with powdered sugar.
But even that might seem a bit normal when compared to one of my all time favorite foods. Cold Spaghetti-Os. Am I the only person that eats Cold Spaghetti-Os? Maybe so. But I will give my method here. Buy a can of regular Spaghetti-Os, put the can in the fridge, upside down. Leave overnight. Open the can from the bottom. Pour into a bowl and enjoy. Ok, that bit about the can being upside down, it just made it easier to get the cold spaghetti-o’s out of the can. They tend to stick to the bottom when they are good and cold.
I should note that Twinkies and Ding Dongs and the other assorted snack foods with creme fillings my Mom froze had a decidedly chewy quality once frozen. To the uninitiated it was a real shock to sink their teeth into that solid rock of icy whiteness. It was good though.
I also liked to freeze Dr Pepper. Pour it in a bowl, let it freeze, then flip it over to find that super sweet gooey stuff on the bottom. Hmmm. The top was mostly water. But if you mashed it up for a while, it was very much like a Dr pepper snow cone. Of course, I am also a big fan of Hot Dr Pepper with a slice of Lemon in it. Oh that is so good when you have a cold and sore throat. Just heat it in a mug in the microwave for a minute or so then add a thin slice of lemon.
Well, it has been some time since I last had a nice bowl of cold Spaghetti-o’s, I may have to stop by the store and pick up a can on the home. It’ll be good for breakfast tomorrow.