Coke’s Happiness Factory

I was in a mall the other day and saw an ad for Coca-Cola’s Happiness Factory. This was a full scale one-sheet that looked liked like a movie I might like to watch. I had never heard of the Happiness Factory, or the Coke ads that feature said factory whirling away inside vending machines. I guess I need to get out more.

There are 237 videos on YouTube tagged with Happiness Factory, though there doesn’t seem to be but three commercials. Looks like Coke showed the Happiness Factory Movie in Second Life. I have enough trouble with the first life, though I do like the idea of Second Life.

The Coca-Cola website for Happiness Factory is pretty damned amazing. Very sharp graphics and great sound. The little break dancing worker in the transitions is cute, but gets old fast. You can apply for a job at the Happiness Factory and go to work as one of the odd little characters living in the Coke machine. While this is not exactly the same as being in the Coca-Cola film, it is a bit of fun. Ok, it’s just an ad for Coke, but it is a good looking ad for Coke.

Coke’s Happiness Factory is a cute ad and it looks good. It doesn’t seem to have too much buzz though. I saw an ad for it at the movies the other day, and that was at a second run movie place. Am I the only one that hasn’t heard of this ad campaign? I like the whole Rube Goldberg bit that it takes an entire world to whip out a bottle of Coke and the odd little characters are funny.

One of the complaints I saw about the first Happiness Factory ad was that they were killing snowmen to cool off the Cokes. Though these did not seem to be animated snowmen, but just regular non-living snowmen. But then, what higher calling could a working in the Happiness Factory hear, than to give his life so that we may enjoy a nice, cold Coca-Cola?

Published by Jon Herrera

Writer, Photographer, Blogger.