China Barbie is a not very pretty porn star trying to trade on the famous blond bombshell doll, Barbie, made my Mattel. Mattel is shocked that someone is trying to use their good name in such a nasty way. China Barbie is not the first to use the Barbie name. Hmm, did they sue the Barbie Twins when the anorexic blonds where posing half naked for calendars? Is cute little doll Barbie all that different from porn star China Barbie? Isn’t the high heel wearing, big boobed toy who lives in Malibu a porn star herself? I mean, she has all these nice cars and houses and clothes, but she doesn’t seem to have a job. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
Of course, Mattel has been in the news mostly recently for the massive recall of lead covered toys made for preschoolers. Poisoning kids is a bit worse than anything China Barbie is likely to do. I’m guessing that the good people at Mattel are wishing they had never heard of China, let alone China Barbie, about now.
A quick Google search finds that there are a lot of people who like to take the real Barbie dolls and put them in chains and various sexual positions. Barbie Doll Sex gets a lot of porn star hits as well. Plenty of pictures of China Barbie as well, if you want to see what China Barbie looks like. The real Barbie is so much sexier than China Barbie.
None of the many porn stars that are called Real Live Barbie Dolls actually call themselves Barbie. I wonder now if Porsche, Mercedes, or Ferrari have sued the naughty girls that use their names? I wonder what would happen if one of these cuties real names were Barbie? Maybe China Barbie should just have her named legally changed to China Barbie. I wonder if there are any porn stars named Elmo or Barny?