In my ongoing quest to map out the life I will live once I win the lotto, I started to think about the wonderful world of chartered jet aircraft. Nothing specific, as I know next to nothing about jets or aircraft in general. But I have watched a lot of TV shows where people sit around small, fast aircraft and see the world. I wonder what the poor people are doing tonight? Not chartering a private jet, that’s for sure.
The rich and famous are known for renting private jets as they zip around the world. And with high limit credit cards renting a private jet is not just for the rich and famous anymore. Of course, being rich is different than it used to be. As Ross Perot said, a billion dollars just isn’t what it used to be. So I was just thinking, where would I go on a private jet charter service? Private pilots hate those drop of a hat, let’s go to Rio flights. But hey, if you take a job with a private jet rental service, you can’t really complain too much. But we all love to complain, don’t we? It would be so nice to complain while cruising at twenty thousand feet in a private jet.
Ok, not Rio. My private aircraft will be going to Paris. Or maybe a private jet charter to London, or Rome. I hear Italy is nice this time of year. Have a bit of high tea somewhere before jetting home again. Or maybe it would be fun renting a private jet just for a private party, never get off the ground, just have it sitting in the background.
“Oh that, that’s just my private jet,” I’d say with a slow drawl. “Just in case I want to watch the total eclipse of the sun or buy fresh lobster in Maine.” Of course, I am not likely to be renting a private jet anytime soon. But it is nice to think about using a private jet charter service. I could wear that Rolex I don’t have at the same time.
Hmm, maybe I have some frozen lobsters in the freezer, don’t need to charter a private jet to go to the kitchen. Now all I need are some hotdog buns to have a nice lobster roll. Hope I win that lotto pretty soon.