You Suck is a comedy horror novel by the brilliant Christopher Moore, who also wrote It’s A Dirty Job and a butt load of those books. I recently read It’s a Dirty Job and liked it a enough to want to hear a few more of these books. You Suck is about two loser vampires, a Goth Girl, a bunch of numskulls that work the night shift at Safeway and The Emperor of San Francisco. There are a number of places were the story here overlaps with the story in It’s A Dirty Job, with Asher and his Goth Girl…
Category: vampires
Twilight-Fun For The Kiddies
Not being a teenage girl, Twilight didn’t do a hell of a lot for me. My experience with Romance Novels involved a handful of old Harlequins and a bit of free time. It was not time well spent. I understand that newer romance novels have lots of sex and a bit of action, but Twilight is a lot more of the Old Style Romance novel. In short, not a lot happens in Twilight. If you’ve seen the trailer, you’ve seen virtually every bit of action in Twilight. I have not read the book, but it is on my list to…
True Blood on HBO
True Blood is based on the Southern Vampire Novels about Bill the Vampire and Sookie Stackhouse the Mind Reader, this HBO show has all the sex and violence you could want. Sookie’s brother is a horndog who seems to be the kiss of death, as two women he has sex with end up dead the next day. We get a lot of shots of people having sex in True Blood, most of them showing near perfect body builder forms without an ounce of body fat to spare. But True Blood isn’t just about sex, it’s about blood as well. True…
Twilight To Open a Bit Earlier
Twilight‘s U.S. release was to be 12 December but is now 21 November. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince has been pushed back to July 2009. Why is a mystery to me. Twilight is a vampire movie based on the bestselling vampire book by Stephenie Meyer. She’s one of those people who sat down one day, banged out a book in three months and found a publisher three months after that. Hard not to be jealous of that. Stephenie Meyer is not a fan of Buffy The Vampire Slayer or Angel either, though she does like a lot of reality…