Douglas Adams is Still Dead

But a little thing like that has never stopped a Publisher from making a bit more money from a writer. JRR Tolkien and L Ron Hubbard have written more books since they died than they did when they were alive. Sherlock Holmes shows up in new books all the time. Remaking movies and bringing back all but forgotten characters is a Hollywood way of life. So it was not completely shocking that there would be a new Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy book, I was a bit surprised that it was written by Eoin Colfer of Artemis Fowl fame. My…

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Tennis Girl Poster

As a photographer you always hope for a bit of immortality. Maybe you’d capture the Marines raising that flag or happen to be at Kent State-or maybe you’d make an ionic image of a girl wearing a white tennis dress rubbing her butt. Martin Elliott took his most famous shot in 1976. He died recently of cancer at the age of 63. Like most teens I had a mild to serious obsession with Posters. I had one of those Farrah Fawcett and the scrapie posters, and I always looked at The Tennis Girl poster, but didn’t buy it. At some…

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Letterman and Balloons

I still watch Letterman, even though Leno has return to his home in late night. I really liked this bit about Dave’s trip to the Balloon Store.

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Cherry Mash

I read a book one time where the author said that the best candy bar in the world was The Five Star Bar.  Not true, the Five Star Bar is nothing but a bit of candy removed from a heart shaped box and sent out into the world on it’s own.  Real candy bars exist only in their own little wrappers and compete for our attention at checkout stands and candy aisles. One such bar is the Cherry Mash-an old fashioned candy bar that looks like a random pile of chocolate.   Inside the chocolate coating is a bit of bright…

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Moutain Dew Throwback

I grew up drinking all kinds of sodas.  Frosty Root Beer, Topp Cola, Cragmont Soda, Delaware Punch, Dr Pepper, Orange Crush, and Mountain Dew.  I never liked the big name colas-Coke and Pepsi just didn’t do it for me. About ten years ago I found modern sodas that I pretty much fell in love with-Stewarts and Jones and Dr Pepper Made With Real Sugar.  I also found that I really hate Moxie and most of the odd flavors you find in Asian and Mexican markets. Ah, Real Sugar. So I am a bit of sucker for any of the Big…

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Cesar Chavez

Supporters say his work led to numerous improvements for union laborers. His birthday has become César Chávez Day, a state holiday in eight States.  Many parks, cultural centers, libraries, schools, and streets have been named in his honor in cities across the United States. -Wikipedia While not exactly Gandhi or MLK he is the closest thing to a civil liberties icon that farm workers have.  He was against the immigration of illegal workers, as he felt they took jobs from Americans.  He was also against the use of pesticides. Since he didn’t die a good dramatic death Oliver Stone and…

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Siskel and Ebert and The Movies

Gene Siskel has been dead a long time and Roger Ebert looks like he has been dead for a long time and At The Movies has finally been canceled.  When I was a kid I loved all movies-Earth Vs The Flying Saucers was a favorite film featuring Ray Harryhausen’s stop motion UfOs destroying Washington Dc.  I didn’t know about Production Values, Big Name Stars, Special Effects (not even Ray Harryhausen), Sound Tracks, Directors, or well, anything at all.  I just knew that I felt really sorry for The Creature From the Black Lagoon and laughed when Abbot and Costello ended…

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Tell Us A Story

After a while, you run out of things to say. You use up your passion. Or you become like Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck and take to telling the same story over and over again. This happens to writers as well, any series of books falls into a familiar pattern. Each episode of House or Law & Order follows the same formula. And that’s a good thing, for the most part. No one wants to tune into to House and see him actually kill someone every week and throw up his cane and say-oops. When you take portraits of kids,…

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Standing on a Corner

Call me Ishmael. Some years ago–never mind how long precisely –having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen, and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos…

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Vicodin Recommended by Dr House

Once in a while I run across an artist who has done something I like. Dr House dancing about vicodin-seems a natural.  The artist is called Scuzzoo and he has a wide assortment of interesting works of art-many of them are NSFW.

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