Tell Us A Story

After a while, you run out of things to say. You use up your passion. Or you become like Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck and take to telling the same story over and over again. This happens to writers as well, any series of books falls into a familiar pattern. Each episode of House or Law & Order follows the same formula. And that’s a good thing, for the most part. No one wants to tune into to House and see him actually kill someone every week and throw up his cane and say-oops. When you take portraits of kids,…

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Standing on a Corner

Call me Ishmael. Some years ago–never mind how long precisely –having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen, and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos…

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Vicodin Recommended by Dr House

Once in a while I run across an artist who has done something I like. Dr House dancing about vicodin-seems a natural.  The artist is called Scuzzoo and he has a wide assortment of interesting works of art-many of them are NSFW.

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Extended Family

Yeah, I know Christmas is over and this silly bit of business from Coke and Wal-Mart is well, just silly. But I like it. There is something heartwarming about a young man who appears to live in his own private apartment building and can invite all his online friends around for a Coke. I wonder if he paid their airfare as well? More important, I wonder how I can get on his Twitter list-oh wait, I’m more of a plurker myself.

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RachelRay.Com and Rachel’s Vacations

Decide what it is that you are and then stay true to that thing. My brand is based very much on how I live my day-to-day life.–Rachel Ray Rachel Ray has signed a two-year agreement for a new prime-time series called Rachel’s Vacation. Having to work on 60 new episodes per year of 30 Minute Meals isn’t enough for Rachel Ray’s plate. Rachel Ray will star in the new travel series in which cameras will follow her around the world. I wonder if she will be eating the same kinds of things as chefs turned globetrotters Anthony Bourdan and Andrew…

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New Mexico Tourism and Alien Visitors

I was in Roswell, NM a few years ago when they had the 50th Anniversary of the UFO Crash. That was a great bit of New Mexico Tourism, as most people would never have heard of Roswell if something had not fallen out of the New Mexico sky in 1947. This town in the middle of nowhere is not exactly a beauty spot. But it was still fun being there and eating at the Crash Down Cafe and visiting the UFO Museum.Of course, the aliens in this commercial, and the others like it, are not the cute and cuddly Greys…

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Come to The Dark Side-We Have Cookies

I spend a lot of time in churches, most of which are purely for profit outfits that have huge buildings, their minister rides around in a limo, and they will tell you to your face that they are all about spreading the word of god. Most of them leave me alone, but every once in a while I run across a couple of gungho types that want to know what church I go to and tell me I am going to hell. And you don’t want to go to hell, do you? If it means that people like you are…

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Suggest A Link for If You Write It

Want to submit an item for editorial consideration?Please keep these tips in mind: Be as specific as possible with URLs. If you’re pointing to a post on a blog, for instance, please submit permalinks to a specific entry on the site, not the main url. While a whole site may be great, we are more interesting specific items. Tell us a bit about the link you’re sending. Explain what we can expect to see when we get there. Please don’t suggest a link without telling us what its about. You don’t have to sign up to If You Write It’s…

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