Valkyrie is the story a failed assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler. Tom Cruise plays a German who has had enough of Hitler’s Germany and wants to start a new, better German without the Führer’s master plans. Valkyrie is the name of a military operation that would secure power after Hitler’s death-and is an integral part of Tom Cruise’s plans to free Germany. Valkyrie is a very good movie, and much like Apollo 13, it really doesn’t matter that you know the outcome. At every step of the operation there is a chance, a good chance, that our hero will succeed…
Category: tom cruise and Katie Holmes is the place to go if your looking for an easy extramarital affair. It’s a hookup site for married people. What a nice idea, huh? So has now offered Katie Holmes a free lifetime membership. After all, Katie Holmes is married to that little twerp Tom Cruise, she must need some help in the bedroom, right? reports that, an online dating service for married people, has offered the third Mrs. Cruise a free lifetime membership — so she can seek out a “meaningful relationship” and “fill her lonely bed.” Sometimes, a gal needs more than a…