Technorati Love:You Favorite Me and I’ll Favorite You

Add to Technorati Favorites Technorati was around before the whole Social Network thing changed the way bloggers keep score. Now you can count your diggs on Digg, your karma on Reddit, your mixxes on Mixx and so on and so forth to infinity and beyond. Soon there will be more Social Networks than there are bloggers to post to them. Now we can add the Technorati Favorite Exchange. The idea is to follow the Path of the Underpants Gnomes- Step 1-Favorite Me Step 2-Leave me your Technorati Favorite Link in Comments and I will Favorite you Step 3-Something Happens Step…

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Blogday 2007 Technorati Plays Tag

Bloggers love to play tag. They write some little meme and then wait for people to stop by and they ask the visitor do the same thing. This is often something like, write the top sentence from the page 124 of the closest book to you.Technorati is one of the many ways that bloggers keep score, mine is pretty low as Technorati judges by links pointing at your blog and I just don’t have that many. Still, I have not been tagged in a while, so Technorati got me.The idea is to find Five Blogs That Are New To You,…

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