This is the forth season of USA networks The 4400, the story of 4400 people who were abducted at various times in the past and then returned to the present in one big group. They all have 4400 ‘abilities’ which make them superhuman in some unpredictable way. The first season was kind of cheesy and the main focus was that we met a new 4400 each week and saw how their power was really screwing up their lives. They have pretty much given up on that kind of story now, though they still have a little slug line at the…
Category: science fiction
ABC’s Masters of Science Fiction-well, maybe not Masters
What is Science Fiction? It is taking something in the present and thinking about what the future will look like if things keep going the way they are. Science Fiction writing must also contain a strong element of real science, which makes movies about robots science fiction movies and movies about dragons fantasy movies.ABC’s Masters of Science Fiction is following in the footsteps of The Twilight Zone, a show that was not just great science fiction, but was great television. It might help to remember that TV in the late fifties and early sixties was full of anthology shows. There…