Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is looking like it will be a good show. There are tons of cool images that go with the show and it looks like the effects are going to be pretty good. I saw the trailer of The Terminator at a Star Trek Convention. The general feeling that Arnold was the perfect actor to play an emotionless, inarticulate robot proved to be right. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles will have a pretty woman playing the Terminator-Summer Glau. She was the crazy girl on Firefly, though she has done a lot more than that. The Terminator…

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NBC’s Journeyman Time Travel in Frisco

I like Sci Fi, and to a lessor degree I like SF or Science Fiction. What is Science Fiction? Is NBC’s Journeyman science fiction? Science Fiction is a story where Science plays a major role in the story and there would be no story if you removed that scientific element. The Matrix, for example, would not work if you removed the computer complex known as The Matrix. Sci Fi however, is a more subtle beast. Sci Fi is dragons flying around New York City for no logical reason, sci fi is a fifty foot marshmallow man stepping on a church,…

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Soylent Green is People, but you knew that.

Soylent Green is part of the Holy Trinity of Weird Movies made by Charlton Heston in the 1970’s. The other two are Planet of The Apes and The Omega Man. All three are slightly over serious movies set in a very unfriendly future. Unfriendly to normal humans as we know them today anyway. Soylent Green is based on Harry Harrison’s Make Room! Make Room! about a very crowded future were there is no food except the Soylent Company products of Soylent Green, Solyent Red and Solyent Yellow. Each is supposed to be made from soybeans and lentils and plankton. But…

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USA’s The 4400 This is a Good Sci Fi Show

This is the forth season of USA networks The 4400, the story of 4400 people who were abducted at various times in the past and then returned to the present in one big group. They all have 4400 ‘abilities’ which make them superhuman in some unpredictable way. The first season was kind of cheesy and the main focus was that we met a new 4400 each week and saw how their power was really screwing up their lives. They have pretty much given up on that kind of story now, though they still have a little slug line at the…

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Masters of Science Fiction #3 Jerry was a Man

Robert A. Heinlein and Issac Asimov were old army buddies that had a friendly rivalry their entire science fiction writing careers. Heinlein was a best selling author years before Asimov, but Asimov was a genius and his stories were often thought of as better written and thought out. Heinlein was quick to realize that the core audience for his work was horny young men, so almost all of his stories had at least a mild sexual element. Asimov was more of a thinker than a lover, thus his most lasting works involve his famed Three Laws of Robotics. But Heinlein…

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Sunshine Hard Sci Fi Here Comes the Sun

Sunshine is about the end of the world. Sort of. It’s really about the eight person crew on a mission to re-ignite the sun, which is burning out. The story is set either fifty years, or two hundred and fifty years or some unknown length of time, in the future. This is the second mission sent to deliver the payload that will jump start the sun. This first failed to complete the mission for unknown reasons.The model for just about every hard SF story ever written is called Cold Equations. This is a sci fi classic that tugs at the…

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Peter Jackson’s King Kong The Worst Movie Ever

Right, I have seen both Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and Plan Nine from Outer Space, and they are bad movies. But let’s be honest, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is not a real movie, it is more of a class project that should not have seen the light of day. As for Plan Nine, well, it was a super low budget movie and well, just silly. But Peter Jackson’s King Kong wins the crown as the Worst Movie Ever because it did cost so much, starred real actors, was directed by someone who should have known better and put…

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The Matrix Best Movie Ever

I know, the old guys all like Citizen Kane and Casablanca and Gone With the Wind, I like movies made after the fifties. Not that there is anything wrong with Citizen Kane, it’s a great movie, just not my favorite. In the old movies category, It’s a Wonderful Life is my favorite. I still cry when George is standing on the bridge after seeing a world where he was never born.The Matrix is not a tear-jerker. For the two or three of you that has not watched this modern masterpiece, here it is in a nutshell. The world we live…

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The Drink of Immortality-would you try it?

As near as I can tell from a casual glance, the Hindu drink of Immortality is the juice of the Magic Mushroom. If it doesn’t make you live forever, maybe the trip just feels like you lived forever. Which make me think about being immortal, one way or another. If you could drink something magical and never die, would you really want to do that?Being a fan of sci fi and fantasy and other stories that don’t hold up so well if looked at long and hard in the light of day, I find that there are a lot of…

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