A Book is a Book-not an eBook

Print is Dead-Egon, Ghostbusters I learn to speak English from a book-Manuel, Fawlty Towers Books in digital form are online and easy enough to read-if you have the patience to sit and read them, which most of is don’t. The computer ebook has a few advantages over their real world counterparts. You can zoom in if you eyes are not that good. You can listen to a sterile computer voice read it for you. You can find a few hundred reviews written by people who seem to love or hate everything they read. I have a few friends that want…

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Read a Book Day

smakupfx made the books shown here-his work is very interesting. What was the Last Book You Read? Or more to the point, have you recently read a book at all? Maybe Read a Book Day would be a good time to start. Of course, looking at a blog is reading, just not the same kind of reading that goes with a good book. I’m totally open on this point, I’ll take any book at all. From comic book to Ulysses to the Bible. But I do want it to be a book you have started and finished, which might leave…

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To be a Writer, then Read

I have been reading since about the fifth grade. I know this is kind of late and sad by todays standards of forcing the little ones to read by kindergarten, but those were different times. My first real book was Charlotte’s Web. We all got a laugh out of the farmer putting his knee to Wilber’s behind to get him to move. It was a couple of years before I really started reading a lot of stuff of my own choosing. A teacher gave me a stack of old sci-fi magazines and I was hooked for life. There was everything…

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