The latest blow for Political Correctness sees a college professor edit Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn to remove the currently offense terms ‘nigger’ and ‘injun.’ At least he didn’t add zombies or vampires or sea monsters. Auburn University English professor Alan Gribben says that he always felt uncomfortable with Mark Twain’s choice of words so he plugged in the words ‘slave’ and ‘Indian’ to create his sanitized versions of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. I was watching Blazing Saddles not too long ago and the word ‘nigger’ was bleeped each time it came up. Since this is one of the running…
Category: random thoughts
Cooking in The Tiny Kitchen
I like to cook. I’ve cooked my own meals, off and on, since I was about 6 years old. I grew up with a pretty cramped kitchen and used natural gas and a lot of cast iron cookware. I soon enough discovered the wonder of an electric wok, an electric skillet, and the microwave. As my skills grew I used a real Wok from time to time, found that I liked having really sharp knives, cutting boards, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. I found cookbooks at Goodwills and yard sales and I actually used a lot of them. …
The First Day of The Rest of Your Life
A while back I read The UltraMind Solution, a book that talks about how living in the modern world is a bad thing. There is a free Ultramind Solution Companion Guide and I have decided to give it a try. This is a pretty serious investment in time and effort as well as money. The Wife looked at a few of the recipes in the guide and as ask if I was really going to cook all this stuff. That is the plan. For the next six weeks I will be eating more whole foods and not eating any wheat,…
That Was The Year That Was
This was the year that my blog got hacked and I got a bit discouraged about the whole thing. I went from around 3,500 visitors in February to a low of about 10 visitors in April. I have since leveled out at about 1,500 visitors a month. I have found myself less interested in a number of things, and am blogging a bit less as a result. Most of my random visitors are looking for pictures. My most popular Google image search terms are related to Burger King, Mountain Dew Throwback, and House on Vicodin. My most popular posts are one about Team Name…
Adventure Games
My first true love of the computer universe was Infocom. This company made Adventure games, more specifically, Text Adventure games. These were games that were both fun and mondo annoying. They were fun as they were often funny and zany and they had all kinds of off the wall references. They were annoying as you could never be sure exactly what the game writers wanted you to type into the text line. They were also a bit more challenging than modern games-as there was no Universal Hint System to sneak a peek or grab an instant solution to a tough…
Cemetery Junction
The story of a group of desperate young Brits who want more out of life than their parents got. We follow around three losers in their early twenties who still enjoying getting drunk, starting fights, and painting obscene graffiti. One of the young hoods decides that he doesn’t want to work in The Factory, but wants to make something of himself. So he becomes a door to door salesman. Cemetery Junction is set in 1973. There is still open racism, women are ment to stay at home and fetch things for their men, and men are meant to work until…
The Perfect Birthday Song-or maybe not
Most Disappointing Trailer EVER
Among the endless trailers that ran in front of Tron Legacy was one that really got my attention. It was a collection of clips from the 1969 Moon Landing spliced together with new footage showing Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landing on the moon. There are a few slug cards saying things like Our Greatest Achievement and Our Proudest Moment-so now I am thinking, is this one of those Hanger 18 movies where the lunar landing never happened? Then we see the astronauts run off on a secret mission and we see a crashed spaceship nearby. Ok, did some finally…
Real Books and eBooks
I remember the good old days of vinyl LPs and what a pain in the neck those big slabs of plastic were. I was one of the first on board with digital music, I’ve never been one of those people that think a good LP sounds better than a good mp3. In this case, the delivery method was improved. With books, well, I’m not so sure. I don’t mind reading blogs, most of them are pretty short. Reading full length books is another story. To be fair, I don’t own a Kindle or a Nook or an Ipad-but laptops and…
Ricky Gervais and John Stewart
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Ricky Gervais Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> The Daily Show on Facebook Ricky Gervais: Out of England – The Stand-Up Special Taped live before a sold-out audience at the WaMu Theater at New York Citys Madison Square Garden, Ricky Gervais: Out of England The Stand-Up Special is a high-spirited hour of offbeat observations and understated humor from the actor/comedian/writer/director. The show includes Gervais unique takes on such disparate (and often politically incorrect)issues as fund-raising, autism, fame, nursery rhymes, Nazis, moronic friends, obesity ……