This,That, and The Other Thing

There was an episode of Gilligan’s Island where Gilligan became a dictator following the advice of an evil man.  He thought he was doing good work, as he loved his people and promised them-This, That, and The Other Thing.  His people, of course, hated him. Hitler is the poster child for Dictators, a nasty fellow surrounded by a group of people who would do anything he said-and anyone who didn’t would be killed.  This is why most dictators don’t care if the people love them or hate them-the people just come with the scenery, as some pop star said.  You…

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Google’s Art Project

Dear old Mom wanted to be an Artist when she grew up.  She took one of those mail order courses where you draw a turtle and bought a lot of books containing the Works of The Masters.  She sketched three things a day, and yet, she never got past that kind of middle school phase where her work looked ok, but never looked exactly like Art.  I went through a small Artist phase myself, sketching and drawing and never becoming any better. The Wife went to college and studied Art.  She painted mostly abstracts on 3×4 foot canvases, with an…

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Kim Kardashian Nude on W

I feel so taken advantage of. I’ve definitely learned my lesson. ~Kim Kardashian Kim Kardashian naked on the cover of W Magazine helps her to stretch out her 15 minutes.  It’s pretty clear that nudity isn’t what it used to be.  Vanity Fair, ESPN, Vogue, GQ, Rolling Stone, Maire Clare, New York, and just about every other magazine in the known universe has done some kind of nude cover. Part of the story with Kim Jardashian and W Magazine is that she thought the image would be different than it appears-she thought her nudity would be cover with graphics of…

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A Fistful of Vitamins

After a month or so on the UltraMind Solution diet and lifestyle plan, I am feeling much better.  Of course, feeling better is one of those things that is often hard to put a finger on.  I used to be really big on trying every kind of vitamin and supplement I could find.  A lot of this stuff worked wonders-for the first week or two.  Bee pollen, royal jelly, phosphatidylserine, CoQ-10 & N-Acetyle-somethng, B vitamins, and of course, coffee in all it’s wonderous forms.  I am also a huge fan of Taurine, the stuff that give Red Bull it’s kick.…

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Gun Nuts and Just Plain Nuts

“An armed society is a polite society.” Robert A. Heinlein It doesn’t take a trained professional to look at photos of the Phoenix Shooter-a 22-year-old charged with trying to kill a congresswoman in a shooting spree that left six dead-to realize the man is mental unstable.  He has the stereotypical look of a madman, a nutcase, a loon, a man with a few screws loose, a nutjob, a nutter, a retard, a mental deficient, a crazy. But this is America, and there is no law against being crazy.  Where there are laws about insanity, they usually require that the insane…

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Double Fantasy by John Lennon and Yoko Ono

While doing a bit of ritual cleaning I came across a stack of old LPs.  Double Fantasy was among them.  This is one of a handful of albums I bought new when it came out.  I was never as big a music fan as I could have been.  Oh, I love music, but I tend to love it after it’s been around for a while.  For example, I was really into the Beatles when John Lennon was murdered. Like most Beatles fans, I was never very fond of Yoko Ono.  As far as his Asian women went, I always thought…

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This Page Intentionally Left Blank

There are times when the words don’t flow as they used to.  Or I don’t put the effort forth.  Writers write.  Simple as that.  But sometimes, it isn’t all that simple.  Sometimes there is the desire to read one more book, try one more bit of software, watch one more new Tv Show, cook all those meals, and generally just kind of do all kinds of random stuff. I wrote a couple of short stories, but they are not all that good.  It’s been so long since I finished anything I am not even sure how I am supposed to…

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Ratatouille, Three Bean Chili, and Sweet Potato Hash with Eggs

The second week of my Six Weeks using the UltraMind Solution has seen me tempted a few time.  Mainly it is bread and crackers and not double whoppers that I am thinking about. But, as with most things, out of sight and out of mind works for me.  And there is a lot of gluten free stuff out there.  The recipes are all pretty amazing as well. My favorite dish so far is the Three Bean Chili, which is very good and keeps well in the fridge while I am traveling.  Finding those flax crackers at one of my cheapie…

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Downton Abbey comes to PBS

Downton Abbey is one of those rare shows that was able to surprise me.  Not once, not twice, but almost constantly.  The writer did a brilliant job of directing my expectations in one direction and then doubling back and surprising me. The story is a familiar one, another tale of that fantasy world that existed in the British Empire for about thirty or forty years where a rich family owned an Estate and a Staff of fifty were needed to run the House of that Estate. Downton Abbey is the story of The Lord of The Manner, his rich America…

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Good Book by David Plotz

What if an agnostic Jew read the Bible and then alternately made fun of it and talked about how it made him a better Jew?  David Plotz started Good Book: The Bizarre, Hilarious, Disturbing, Marvelous, and Inspiring Things I Learned When I Read Every Single Word of the Bible as a blog, Blogging The Bible for Slate, and then went on to turn it into a book. About thirty years ago I read the Bible as part of my never-ending quest to be a know it all.  The Bible is so full of WTF moments that I must have looked…

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