Blade Runner-Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

I’ve been listening to a lot of audio book read by Scott Brick lately-he just seems to like to read the kinds of books that I like to listen to. But after a while, his slow delivery and Southern drawl kind of work their way into my mind and I find myself breaking my words down by syllable. I like Scott Brick’s performances, but he does have pretty much the same delivery whatever the subject matter happens to be. Ok, on to Blade Runner-well, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick. For some reason Philip K. Dick…

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Humpty Dumpty in Oakland by Philip K Dick

Philip K Dick is best known for his griping and suspenseful Sci Fi stories, many of which have been turned into big budget motion pictures over the years. Blade Runner, Total Recall, and Minority Report to name a few. All of his Science Fiction has an overwhelming feeling of doom and despair and lost causes. One of his best short stories has a man who can hear insects and spiders talking. Turns out the insects and spiders are both alien armies fighting over the conquest of planet earth. The man talks to the spiders and discovers they are here to…

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