My Own Worst Enemy has a lot going on. I like the business about Henry and Edward-the first names of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. If there are similar gags for the many other duel personalities in the show, I have not caught them. It seems that everyone who works for Henry’s boring giant company is a duel agent who has a marshmallow side and serial killer side. The serial killers do wet work while the marshmallows are the perfect cover stories. There was a short story in Fantasy and Science Fiction in the 1980s which featured a world filled…
Category: nbc
Reborn Babies-Mega Creepy
Ok, I think normal babies are pretty creepy, but at least they will one day grow out it-well, most of them will grow out of it. Several years ago my sister was into these bizzaro world dolls that were made to look as close to real as possible and cost in the area of four or five hundred dollars. They had real hair, which you could style yourself, and they all had this kind of Village of The Damned look to them. Reborn Babies take the doll idea to the next logical level and make babies that look hyper real.…
Heroes Season Three
Heroes has been a good show with occasional flashes of brilliance. Like The X-Men and The 4400 there is an ever growing group of people with Special Abilities roaming the world and it is the job of the Mundanes (that’s Us) to try and stop them from taking over the world. One of the key elements of Heroes has been Slyar-a Villain’s Villain-but why have one super bad guy when you can have a whole cell block full of super bad guys? Through the usual Heroes business of Time Travel Gone Wrong-the world is once more at risk and we’re…
The New Knight Rider
A.I. is a bridge between art and science. Pamela McCorduck One of my standard complaints about remakes is that they take the original idea and totally trash it. The New Bionic Woman and Battlestar Galactica both worked on the general premise that the original shows sucked, so they were going to do them right. Which only served to piss off the people, such as myself, that pretty much liked the original shows. If you really hate the whole idea of Battlestar Galactica and the Bionic Woman, why not make up a new show, why go ahead and ruin the original?…