Catholic Priests have been raping children for as long as there have been Catholic Priests. The problem is that bit of bullshit where young men are supposed to give up sex for life. It seems that a lot of Priests hold the view that only sex with an adult woman is bad, homosexual sex and sex with children is peachy keen. Enter the reporters working for the Boston Globe in the late 1990. They find this odd little story about a Priest who has been moved around from Parish to Parish-after he has been accused of molesting children. They do…
Category: movie review
Damn-That Was Good. A lot of hard hitting movies from the past have been remade for pussies. RoboCop, Total Recall, the last few Terminator movies all had the heart and soul ripped out of them to make them kinder and gentler films. Deadpool pulls no punches and soaks the screen in blood and gore and f-bombs. And it was fucking brilliant. I have to believe that the Heroes who wrote Deadpool are huge fans of Honest Trailers and Everything Wrong With. The opening credits were absolutely amazing, giving credit to Hot Chicks and Asshats as it gave us a tour of…
In the Heart of the Sea
The story of the whaler Essex that inspired the novel Moby Dick. Moby Dick was a great book-one that is a great read and has never been successfully made into a film. So here we have the tale of a bunch of greedy bastards who murder whales for a living. One whale fights back for some unknowable reason. If all the whales sank all the whalers, now that might have been a movie worth watching. In the Heart of The Sea is not a bad film. The acting is good, the effects are OK, if a bit clunky in spots when…
Dalton Trumbo was a screenwriter who was blacklisted in the good old days of The House Un-American Activities Committee. This was a dark time in American history. The Americans that the United States Government went after during these times were not blowing things up or flying airplanes into buildings. They were doing worse things, like making movies and TV Shows. The cast is brilliant, including Bryan Cranston, Diane Lane, Louis C.K., John Goodman, and Helen Mirren. The sets and costumes are great. The music is good in that it was both time period appropriate and blended into the background as…
The Revenant
Spoilers. Set in the good old days when a man could trap beavers by the ton and a mountain of bison skulls makes a couple of cameos. Our hero, such as he is, is a Jeremiah Johnson/Grizzle Adams sort of fellow. The Revenant has a real throwback to the 1970s kind of feel to it. The evil white men are killing the locals and the wildlife for pure greed. Only Leonardo DiCaprio is a sort of good guy. He’s gone Native and has an Indain son by an Indian woman who was killed by what looked like a French soilder.…
Star Wars The Force Awakens
I enjoyed that more than I thought I would. ~Wil Wheaton minor spoilers. J.J. Abrams is a damned good director. He does a masterful job of blending practical and digital effects. His story is basically a retooling of Star Wars-which is basically a classic take on The Hero’s Journey. We have two new Heroes to follow around, a woman and a black man, two groups that were in little evidence in Star Wars. The Force Awakens was not a perfect film, but after the abomination of the Prequels, it’s like a ray of light falling into a dank, dark dungeon.…
The End of the Tour
The story of a stereotypical unstable author who says early on that he doesn’t want to be portrayed as a stereotypical unstable author. Jason Segel and Jesse Eisenberg do the bulk of the work here. We follow a writer for Rolling Stone magazine, Eisenberg, as he interviews a slightly manic author, Segal. The author is David Foster Wallace, who has just published his masterpiece [easyazon_link identifier=”B000YBHBKW” locale=”US” tag=”londonthoug-20″]Infinate Jest[/easyazon_link], and the writer is David Lipsky. Over the course of five days, we watch as Lipsky works out a complex bit of jealousy, envy, and hero worship as he interviews Wallace. The…
The Intern
My all time favorite Anne Hathaway movie is The Devil Wears Prada. The Intern is pretty much the Devil Wears Prada with Anne playing the role of the devil and Robert Deniro playing the role of the newbie personal assistant. Only without all that bothersome drama and conflict. It also reminded me of an odd little book I read a few years back called Starbucks Saved My Life about an old white guy who gets a low paying job and helps his boss and coworkers with his vast worldly experience. I love Robert and Anne. I like the music. I love…
In space no one can hear you scream. [easyazon_link identifier=”B00GQ4RUP2″ locale=”US” tag=”londonthoug-20″]Alien[/easyazon_link] (I watched The Director’s Cut) is a 1979 science-fiction horror film directed by Ridley Scott, and starring Tom Skerritt, Sigourney Weaver, Veronica Cartwright, Harry Dean Stanton, John Hurt, Ian Holm and Yaphet Kotto. Spoilers We start off with scenes of an empty spaceship. There are odd sounds and bits of paper rustling and small perpetual motion toys in perpetual motion. As we watch a number of lights start to flash, a dot matrix printer starts it’s ratta tat tat, and we hear beeps and blops as the ship…
Jodorowsky’s Dune
The saddest of these are What Might Have Been… We open up with a bit of history about the very odd films of Alejandro Jodorowsky, such as [easyazon_link identifier=”B00LCT48HE” locale=”US” tag=”londonthoug-20″]El Topo[/easyazon_link]. He’s not a formally trained film maker and he liked to make movies starring himself and his young son, who we see in a bit of full frontal nudity. In 1975 it seems that no one really wanted to make a film version of Dune, so when Alejandro asked if he could do it, they said sure, knock yourself out. The bulk of [easyazon_link identifier=”B00J5LXMTG” locale=”US” tag=”londonthoug-20″]Jodorowsky’s Dune[/easyazon_link] is…