Babylon AD-Standard Issue Dystopia

The tag line for Babylon AD’s sci fi cliche fest might have been Life Sucks, and Then You Die. Set sometime in a future where we all know exact location by longitude and latitude-we find our usual Vin Diesel anti-hero living out his grim and nasty life as a mercenary. He is trapped in Russia, or some part of it, which has that Post Holocaust dog eat dog, well everybody eat dog, look and feel to it. Everyone wears trench coats and carries machine guns and those who have the money ride around in tanks. He gets a new assignment…

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The Other Boleyn Girl

Normally I like costume dramas, but I think I have been spoiled by Showtime’s brilliant The Tudors when it comes to Henry VIII and his nasty habit of changing wives whenever the mood strikes him. I will give The Other Boleyn Girl credit for one thing, their Henry VIII was taller than their Anne Boleyn. The story of Mary Boleyn and Henry VIII, well, sort of. The movie drops off Mary once Henry becomes more involved with Anne. The compression of the story of Henry VIII and his divorce from Catherine and marriage to Anne is a little too much…

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Frank Miller’s Sin City

The Valkyrie at my side is shouting and laughing with the pure, hateful, bloodthirsty joy of the slaughter… and so am I. -Dwight When Tron was filmed in black and white and color was layered on top, it was a pretty cool effect. Steven Spielberg used color to add to the horror of the black and white Schindler’s List. Frank Miller uses color in the black and white Sin City like someone who just started to play around with Photoshop and After Effects and said-Cool, look what I can do! The color elements in Sin City only serve to distract…

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Breakfast at Tiffany’s

And I said what about “Breakfast at Tiffany’s?She said, “I think I remember the film,And as I recall, I think, we both kinda liked it.”And I said, “Well, that’s the one thing we’ve got.”-Deep Blue Something Breakfast at Tiffany’s stars Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, and a big orange cat named Cat. There are also appearances by Patricia Neal, Buddy Ebsen, and Mickey Rooney. Rooney plays a Japanese man in one of those great Hollywood stereotypes with thick glasses and buck teeth. Clearly there were no real Japanese anywhere to be found in 1961. Breakfast at Tiffany’s was directed by the…

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Miss Potter Starring Renee Zellwegger

In honor of Beatrix Potter’s birthday, which was July 28-I watched this charming film about her early life as a published author. Renee Zellwegger does another good job of pretending to be British. Beatrix Potter was a bestselling author in an age before bestselling authors were rock stars. She made a lot of money, but her Mother never really understood how or why. Her mother was a wonderful Victorian relic that looked down on all tradesman, which included publishers and lawyers. Miss Potter stars Renee Zellwegger as Beatrix Potter well on her way to Spinsterhood and well past her sell…

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The X Files-No Aliens This Time

Spoilers within With what has to be one of dullest one sheets in recent movie memory, I wasn’t really expecting too much. The X Files-I Want To Believe moves along at a snail’s pace. The story is about a missing FBI Agent and the one Agent at the FBI who thinks former Agent Mulder can help to crack the case. There is an old man who has visions, played by Billy Connolly-who happens to be an ex-priest who buggered 37 altar boys-they seem to think this important as they mention it a lot. These visions are why the FBI seeks…

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Planet of The Apes starring Charlton Heston

Get your paws off me you damned dirty ape. The Planet of The Apes starts off with a four person crew on a sleeper ship heading into deep space. The Captain is the last one awake and has a few regrets about leaving his world behind. Due to Relativity, everyone he has known is already dead before he enters the sleep chamber. When the ship crashes into a lake, they find the one woman on the expedition has died in cold sleep and only three men are left. They trek across deserts, over mountains, and finally find a wooded area…

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Journey to The Center of The Earth in 3D

The problem with 3D movies is that they are made for 3D. Not that there’s really anything wrong with that. After a couple of hours you get used to tree limbs in the corners and the occasional thing jumping out of the screen. It’s all in fun after all. And Journey to the Center of The Earth in 3D was fun. What was a bit of a surprise was the fact that it cost an extra two dollars to see it-I suppose this is to cover the cost of the snazzy 3D glasses they hand you with your ticket. They…

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Hellboy II Rocks

Putting Ron Perlman in a red costume was about a million times better than having some programmer whip up a CGI Hulk. There was a ton of far out, incredible, unbelievable stuff in Hellboy II and every damned frame of this film looked great. The gang from the first Hellboy looks like they never stopped filming. There are a few silly things, like Hellboy and Liz having an argument that destroys a hallway and Abe suffering from love at first sight-but it all makes perfect sense in the greater scheme of things. As with all movies these days, lots of…

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Stargate Continuum

“If you ever travel back in time, don’t step on anything-because even the tiniest change can alter the future in ways you can’t imagine.“Abe Simpson-The Simpsons Stargate Continuum is about a hundred times better than Stargate The Ark of Truth. But this may have something to do with my love of all things Time Travel and a very literal take on the Grandfather Paradox in Stargate Continuum. It is also worth noting that Stargate Continuum is the first Stargate to be released on Blu-ray. The old Stargate gang is here, watching as Baal-or one of his many clones-has his symbiont…

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