Wrecked starring Adrien Brody

Spoilers-Watched the film without knowing anything about it.  It’s best not to even watch the Trailer.  Just get Wrecked and watch it.             The story of a man who finds himself at the bottom of a ravine in a wrecked car.  His leg is pinned under the dashboard.  A man is dead in the back seat, and another person is dead not too far away in the woods. Who is he and how did he get here?  More importantly, how does he get his leg free from the wreckage? Wrecked is pretty much a one…

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Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2

I’m one of those people who didn’t read the Harry Potter books, but I have enjoyed the movies over the years.  Well, except for those three or four in the middle that didn’t seem to make much sense or advance the plot or even tell an interesting story.  But they were still fun to watch. I always thought that Harry was going to turn out to BE The Dark Lord.  That would have been a great twist, eh? It’s hard not to spill all the secrets and mention in passing that Luke is Darth Vader’s son, that the Maltese Falcon is…

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Mildred Pierce on HBO

Kate Winslet does a great job of portraying long suffering, unlucky in love, sharp business woman, and often incredibly dim Depression era damsel Mildred Pierce.  Mildred’s husband leaves her, one of her two daughters dies, and she starts her own business selling her famous pies. Mildred is a proud woman.  Too proud to work as a housekeeper for a super snob and too good to be a lowly waitress.  Until she has no choice and takes a job waiting tables.  One thing leads to another and she starts to sell her pies to local restaurants and then decided to open…

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Water for Elephants

The story of a college dropout who falls in love with a married woman.  The only trouble is that her husband happens to be a homicidal maniac. He gets away with constant murder by running a circus that is always on the move. Water for Elephants is a so over the top that I found myself waiting for the clichéd ending a good thirty minutes before it happened.  The madman/ring master abuses his wife, kicks dogs, beats an elephant bloody, murders countless people, and yet no one ever even thinks of trying to stop him or reporting him to local…

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Larry Crowne-Good Old Fashioned Tom Hanks Film

I watched Larry Crowne because of Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks appearances on The Late Show with David Letterman.  I especially liked Biff Henderson’s brief cameo in the restaurant. When we meet Larry Crowne he is a very happy employee at a big box store, a kind of cross between Wal-Mart and Target.  He loves his job.  He comes into work with a smile on his face as he picks up garbage in the parking lot-and he has been Employee of the Month 8 times.  This all ends when a number of higher ups in the company fire him-the reason…

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Green Lantern-for all you CGI lovers

The writers of the Green Lantern movie must be about my age-they like the Hal Jordan version of the Green Lantern.  Neal Adams was the artist that brought my Green Lantern to life.  Those were some damned good comics. The movie stars pretty boy Ryan Renyolds as modern day test pilot Hal Jordan.  Hmm, modern day test pilot???? Ok, we’ll skip that bit. The Green Lantern back-story is force fed through voice overs and more CGI than I have seen in one film since Phantom Menace hit the big screen.  The CGI is more than a little over the top,…

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Kill The Irishman

Good old fashioned gangster movie about the glory days of the Mob in Cleveland and one Danny Greene who remains in thorn in their side for several years.   The cast has a lot of regulars from other mobster movies, with the noticeable exception of the lead, Ray Stevenson, who seems to have been in a lot of things I am unfamiliar with. Kill The Irishman is the story of tough guy and mob boss Danny Greene who had a knack for being around cars when they blew up and liked nothing better than beating people to death to while…

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I Love You Phillip Morris

Jim Carrey was never exactly been Sir Laurence Olivier, but he has shown from time to time that he can do more than just mug at the camera and deliver silly lines.  But in his heart of hearts, he really just wants to mug at the camera and deliver silly lines.  He does both to excess in I Love You Phillip Morris. “Or you can just suck my dick.  Your choice.”  is the catchy line from I Love You Phillip Morris.  The story of a very strange man and his very strange life.   Our first glimpse of our hero has…

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Exit Through The Gift Shop

Imagine that you are a struggling artist-or worse yet, a struggling street artist.  Not only is your art generally not worth much, but it is a crime to make it and someone doing Community Service will be along shorty to cover it up.  But all is not that bad, a handful of street artists are being taken seriously, chief among them a man known as Banksy. Exit Through The Gift Shop is the story of a handful of graffiti artists who have taken the art of defacing private and public property to a new level.  Not content with plain old…

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Super 8 ~Uh, Not That Super

J.J. Abrams has made a love song to Steven Spielberg.  From the Super 8 One Sheet that bears a striking resemblance to the One Sheet for Close Encounters of The Third Kind to his story which bears a striking resemblance to both E.T. and The Goonies. Our story is set in 1979-for no clear reason other than J.J. wanted to listen to some old tunes from the era when Disco was duking it out with New Wave.  There are a couple of gags about Sony Walkmans that play cassette tapes and overnight film processing, but there was no reason it…

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