Over the past couple of years I have been trying to make money with blogging. This has sometimes been a pretty serious effort, sometimes pretty passive. I have blogged about events of the day and hit the keywords pretty heavy, so that many of my posts pop up in Google searches in the top ten. This effort has not made me rich, but it has make me some money with Adsense. Adsense’s evil twin is Adwords-while Adsense makes you money-sometimes even enough to buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks, Adwords spends your money. And while the nice thing about…
Category: blogging for dollars
Blogging for Fun, Blogging for Money
When I first started blogging it was just for fun, my first blog was more or less a message board for me and about five other like minded people to bounce ideas off of each other. If we had other readers, we didn’t have tracking software to watch them come and go. On that older blog I got comments from my little group on every single post and we had interactions and conversations. It was fun and I never thought about selling anything-never thought about pagerank, Alexa, or another of the other countless ways that bloggers use to keep score…
Smorty-Blogs and Money
Smorty is one of the better ways to get paid to blog. Like an Adsense blog, Smorty is a form of blog advertising . I have tried to blog for money before, but was never able to get the words or links just right. I needed a little help from Smorty getting the links placed correctly before I could make money blogging. Seems I needed to put in the links while under the Edit Html tab and not the Compose tab-blogging can be tricky.Of course, having a blog earn money is not always what a blogger wants. But if you…
Do You Make Money With Your Blog?
There’s an interesting Poll on ProBlogger this month. The question was In October, How Much Did You Earn from Blogging? There was a wide range of options for this poll from I don’t make money blogging (780 or 28% of all votes) to Over $15000 (176 or 6% of all votes). My own humble efforts land me near the top of the list, without all that much money coming in. At this writing 2831 people answered the poll and I am a bit surprised at how many people are making thousands of dollars a month. My personal goals are to…
Payperpost Sucks
PayPerPost is a place that is supposed to hook up bloggers with people that want to pay for an ad on their blog. Payperpost has been nothing but a pain in the ass. When I first heard of payperpost, I thought, hey, ten bucks is ten bucks. But the only payperpost offers heading my way are for five bucks. So I wrote two posts for things I don’t really care about. Payperpost did not pay. The instructions on Paperpost really suck. So I wrote the first post for Payperpost and didn’t know what I was supposed to be do about…