9/11-Seven Years Later It’s Just a Bit of History

One Sept 10th 2001 I was working at a military base, an old style open base where people came and went all the time. Except on this one day, there were guards at the gate checking cars as they went in. I had worked at this base for the past three years and never seen a guard before. The next day, 9/11, you couldn’t get into the place and they started putting barricades everywhere. The Government had warning, there is no question of that. The question might be what more could they have done than post a few extra guards…

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Six years later and the boarder is still as tight as a sieve, the President still thinks invading Iraq was a good response to the attack, and most of us have moved on as if it never happened in the first place.I was working in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas in September of 2001, shooting photos for The Infantry and Cavalry School. At least I think that was the place. There is more to Leavenworth than prisons, but not much more. I had worked at the Military School for a couple of years, the Fort was a fun and easy place. No…

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