Buzz marketing and viral marketing are the same thing-word of mouth marketing for your product and a desire to visit your website. As a money making blogger I am a big fan of Adsense for search. Business buzz words for me are keywords that get eyes on my posts. I did this kind of search engine optimization even before I had ads on my blog. Even if your blog marketing plan is just to get more hits, keeping track of trends and buzz and using viral marketing techniques is a good idea.
A big part of my buzz marketing has always been checking out Google Trends and seeing if there is anything of interest in the Top Ten. If there is I can usually whip a post that will have a good chance of getting listed on the front page of Google Trends for that topic. Google likes words-three hundred words or so with twenty or so keywords related to the subject. It is not difficult to pound keywords for viral internet marketing campaigns, but you have to remember that you are writing for people as Googlebots. Just pounding a list of marketing buzz words can get you hits-and this is all a lot of blogger want.
I have never used email marketing, I guess I have been hit with too much spam over the years for an email campaign to appeal to me. Not all internet advertising is spam, but sometimes it feel that it is. That’s what makes a successful viral marketing campaigns so appealing, they come looking for you, you aren’t pestering them. Morning programs like The Today Show, Good Morning America, and even The Daily Buzz can launch a product into viral marketing campaign heaven with just a mention. Most blogs are not going to hit network TV, but we can piggyback onto those products when they do take off.
I recent ran across Popurls, a collection of the top listings on many social networks like Digg,, Reddit, and many others. This should be a good place to get ideas for internet marketing advertising, search engine marketing, and viral marketing. Of course, it is a great time sink as well a source of viral marketing ideas.
When you search for a website, Google shows what it thinks is the best results for the keywords you entered. Internet marketing and advertising is therefore, all about those keywords. So I like to hit the Google Keyword Tool as part of my viral marketing strategies. Use the dropdown menu to find the most exspense keywords and use them in your post. This is basic internet search marketing, but it has worked pretty well for me. I’m not an internet marketing specialist, but I have gotten Google Top Ten spots for many of my posts with this online marketing techinque.