People in Dallas are scraping off Super Bowl or Bust bumper stickers from their pick-ups. Yelling at their TV screens in frustration is also a favorite pastime.
Brad Johnson was bad. Brooks Bollinger was bad. The whole Dallas Cowboys team was bad. I’m not sure there can be any over reactions to this week’s game-the logical reaction is that season is over.
The 35-14 score makes it sound as if the Cowboys might have had a chance at some point-well, no it sounds like they were soundly beaten by the Giants-which they were. Wade Philips had a small reprieve last week when the Cowboys managed to win. I’m sure there will be calls for his firing again this week. But as with the back up quarterbacks-who could do any better with this lot?
Brad Johnson and Brooks Bollinger combined to pass for 134 yards, a touchdown and three interceptions. Terrell Owens had one touchdown and one ball taken away from. Barber got 54 yards on the day. Total yards was 183. Those were the highlights for The Dallas Cowboys.
Maybe it will be alright. Maybe a week off will let the Dallas Cowboys recover and win enough games to get into the play-offs and actually win a post season game. Maybe we will never have to see Brad Johnson or Brooks Bollinger again. I certainly hope so.

Well, I hope they’ll do good next time. Go Dallas Cowboys! Latest movies in HD @