Having found a few articles about blogging for dollars, I ran across Blogvertise, which says it will pay you to blog about stuff. Cool, I like blogging and I like getting paid. Seems I am not the only one. A cursory check of Google lead me to Blogger Jobs and then Blogvertise. I find it pretty interesting that there are all these blogs that want people to post on them.
Now I have been writing one thing or another for the better part of my life. When not writing, I am reading about writing. But I have never made the small leap to being paid for writing. So here I am giving all these blogger jobs a long hard look, wondering if I can make this leap. I have always thought of myself as a bit of a know it all. I mean, I have watched Who Wants to be a Millionaire and gotten the right answers many times when the contestants didn’t. Ok, so that just proves I don’t have much of a life.
Still, even without having much of a life, it usually takes about an hour to bang one of these puppies out. So the ads that say nice things like I’ll pay you a dollar a post are a bit depressing. Now it could be argued, and rightly so, that I am now blogging for nada a post, so a dollar is better than that, right? Maybe, maybe not. I have ran against the small problem that I don’t really know everything. Blogvertise will tell me what to blog about once in a while. I then have to see if I can do some quick research and write something that makes sense. It should be within my humble powers to do so. Like most people, I can whip up an opinion in a hurry about just about anything.
As Bogart said in Casablanca, This could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.