Lost in Space-The Complete Series
When I was a kid I actually liked Lost in Space better than I liked Star Trek. Maybe it was the idea that the little boy in the show was the smart one that seemed ready to save the day. Or maybe it was just that he got to hang out with The Robot all day, how cool was that? Lost in Space was one of those really bad sci fi shows that sort of tried to be good in the first few episodes. The black and white first season was kind of dark and ominous. By the time they got to the last episode about a talking carrot, well, they had lost their way somewhere. My favorite Lost in Space episodes involved the pretty green woman Athena who had the hots for Dr Smith. I loved the way she said Smith.
Star Trek The Next Generation-The Complete Series
The rebirth of Star Trek was a dream come true for millions of faithful Trekkies, before the serious nerds decided to call themselves Trekkers, and before we learned that Rick Berman was the Anti-Christ. Star Trek The Next Generation had a rough first season, but recovered from its humble beginnings to be the best of all the new Star Trek shows that would follow in its wake. All the old timers like myself loved the show as it was nothing but a carbon copy of the Orginal Star Trek, even going so far as using the same stories in some of those dreadful first season episodes. My favorite TV program of all time was Part 1 of Best of Both Worlds in which Captain Jean-Luc Picacrd is turned into the soulless and evil Locutus. My Least Favorite TV show of all time was Part 2 of Best of Both Worlds, where Data saves the day by telling the Super Race of Borg to take a nap. This would have been so bad if it had not been an end of season cliff hanger and every Star Trek The Next Generation fan had not thought up their own, better, endings to the Problem of The Borg. But still, this was a great show by the time All Good Things hit the airwaves.
Stargate SG-1-The Complete Series Collection
Stargate SG-1 started off as a Showtime series, along with The Outer Limits, it was an effort to make a serious Sci Fi show and do it right. For the most part, they successed. But before too long Showtime said don’t call us, we won’t call you and Stargate SG-1 ended up in the place it was born to be, The Sci Fi Channel. For ten years this show shifted and morphed and changed many of it’s elements, but kept the basic core whole. A team of four people that traveled the galaxy and saved the universe about once every season or so. The best episode of Stargate SG-1 is the groundhog day episode, where Col O’Neal and Tilk are trapped in a time loop and are forced to repeat the same day over and over and over. At one point Col O’Neal is hitting golf balls through the Stargate and when he is told that the planet at the other end is several light years away exclaims-That’s got to be some kind of a record.
Angel Collector’s Set
Angel was a pretty good show that fell victim to the braintrust at the WB Network and got the axe at least one season too soon. Angel was a spin off of the wonderfully silly and often way too serious Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Angel was a vampire with a soul, how lame is that? The dark and brooding Angel left the cosy confines of Sunnydale and moved to the Big City of Los Angelous, where he meet with all kinds of serious bad guys and took a couple of Buffy regulars with him. This show went through a number of changes in its relatively short run, but it kept it’s edge through most of the series. Demons and Vampires and sundry and assorted bad guys moved through Angel’s world, where Angel was not above killing the occasion bad guy, even if he happened to be a human bad guy, which was one of the no-no’s of being a Slayer. Do I have Comshock me written on my forehead? has to be my favorite line from the series, uttered by Charisma after any number of demons wanted to impregnant her with this demon spawn. But that was just another day at the office for the cast of Angel. There were a number of characters that followed Angel from the Buffyverse, but they were all transformed into something larger and more meaningful in Angel. My only real gripe about this series was the extremely unfortenate fate of the way too good little girl Fred, who transformed into an very powerful demon with way too much make-up. But then, way too much make-up was pretty much the order of the day in the Angel-verse.
The X-Files The Complete Collector’s Edition
The X-Files is one of those TV shows that is so much better in your memory than it is when you go back and watch it again, but it is fun to watch again anyway. It was that whole shock factor that made this show so great. Even when you thought you knew where the story was going, it ended up slightly off to one side and you were left shaking your head in disbelief. Mulder and Scully were perfect in the TV show, right up until the end of the series where they pulled a reversal of roles and Scully became the true beliver while Mulder was convinced there was nothing to find.My favorite The X-Files episode was from one of the early seasons, where a couple of kids are abducted by something, a dark lord of the Underworld is suspected, and everyone kept saying, How The Hell Should I Know? Charles Nelson Rily guest starred as the inventor of The Nonfiction Science Fiction Book. This episode contained most of the cliches of alien abduction stories and made them seem both deadly serious and totally silly. I loved it. The X-Files has a lot of good shows and some that are simply great, there are a few clunkers as well, but then, you can’t have everything.
I Love Lucy The Complete Series
It’s pretty hard to imagine anyone that has not seen every episode of I Love Lucy at least a dozen times, but maybe you only like that little stretch where they were on the road to Hollywood, with your own copy of I Love Lucy The Complete Series you can pick out those Lucy memories that you like the best whenever you want. When I was a kid watching this show I never understood why Ricky put up with that total idiot Lucy. I really had no idea that Lucy was the star of the star of the show. I always wanted Ricky to leave her in a freezer, or jail, on the roof, or whatever dumb spot she managed to get herself into.
But after you get over the fact that Lucy is an airhead that will never amount to anything, you can sit back and enjoy the show. My favorite episode is the one where our four heroes stop for a rest in Albeturkey, NM, Ethel May Potter’s home town. Everyone in Albeturky assumes that it is Ethel that is on her way to Hollywood to make a movie. The show ends with an old style vaudevile routine featuring all kinds of classic sight gags that are preformed by Ethel sings the very bizzare little tune of Shortbread. This is great stuff, even fifty years later.

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