George Bush has fucked up so bad, he made it hard for a white man to run for president!
-Chris Rock
George W Bush got a few boos as he walked on stage, and in a less enlightened time than our own, he would have been pelted with rotten tomatoes as well. George W Bush, the Worst President Ever, had the nerve to whine about how people call him names-like The Worst President Ever. Bush defenders like to note that most Presidents have not faced the problems that George Bush has faced. The logical response, of course, is that George created most of his problems.
And no one came to Barack Obama’s Inauguration to see George anyway. Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out, Bubba.
To the best of my knowledge I have never paid any attention to a Presidential Inauguration before. I had heard about the guy who got a cold and died from standing in the snow for three or four hours(William Henry Harrison)-and thought, wow, that was dumb. But I don’t recall any Presidents from my lifetime being sworn in. I have never had cable and I don’t recall the networks turning over all programing to the event the way did with Barack Obama’s Inauguration. But as everyone kept reminding us today-this one is important.
Barack Obama’s To Do List includes such things as: get America out of two wars, fix an economy where giants like GM and Bank of America are standing around begging for hand outs, close down Secret Military Prisons where Americas snatch up anyone in the world they feel like snatching up and torture and kill them at their leisure, keep America from being attacked by terrorists again, fix the medical system so that one trip to the hospital doesn’t put a family into bankruptcy, and keep on smiling.
I think he can handle the smiling bit, the rest is a big question mark. This is a more serious, more adult Barack Obama. And after eight years of juvenile delinquent George W Bush, an adult is exactly what we need. But like all kids, most American’s may not like having a curfew and doing their chores.
Barack Obama is off to a good start though, he has that whole volunteer thing going.
USA Service has info about things like Red Cross and the National Parks Service. One of the larger blunders committed by George W Bush was telling us all to go shopping after 9/11. Way to help the country, George. So maybe asking for people to help with blood drives and food banks is not a bad place to start. Maybe as time goes by there will be the occasional bigger issue to help with, though I am not exactly sure what that might be.
These are very exciting times, I hope they last.