Having found a few articles about blogging for dollars, I ran across Blogvertise, which says it will pay you to blog about stuff. Cool, I like blogging and I like getting paid. Seems I am not the only one. A cursory check of Google lead me to Blogger Jobs and then Blogvertise. I find it pretty interesting that there are all these blogs that want people to post on them.Now I have been writing one thing or another for the better part of my life. When not writing, I am reading about writing. But I have never made the small…
Author: Jon Herrera
If You Write It
Or maybe it should be, if you blog it.I have recently taken a more serious interest in the blogging again. Not serious enough to go out and find people to read and leave comments with, but serious enough to think that maybe there should be a bit more to it. So I have set up accounts on Dig and Netscape and have submitted a couple of my posts to them. I am starting to feel that old tingle of hope that writing is something I can do and make money.Blogging for dollars, anyone need a freelance blogger? Anyone?
Rain, and more rain
Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it.It’s been raining for weeks, maybe months. Everyday a new set of storms rolls into the area and there is flooding and water on the roads and everything is greener than it has a right to be at this time of year. Dallas in July is normally everyday over a hundred degrees. There was one year, 1980, when we went for three months with it being over a hundred everyday. I guess this year will stand out in the memory as the wettest ever.So is it global warming? Or…
Looking Up and Looking Down
Dr Who News
About that book I’m writing. . .
Long dark months ago when I started this blog I mentioned that I was writing a new novel. A bit of boffo sci-fi in the near future, end of the world as we know, how will humankind ever survive kind of thing. Well, I am still writing it, but very, very slowly. It is a bit, well, bad. I have fallen into the greatest of all traps and let myself do little more than copy the best bits out of every story I have ever read and paste them together. This is not always a bad thing. The Matrix was…
Ratatouille-Best Pixar Movie Ever
I’m sitting in a theater filled with children, parents of children, and more children. Ratatouille, outside of being cartoonish in appearance, is not really a kid’s movie, but the people at Pixar have finally figured out that kids make up a lot of their audience.There was one major flaw in Toy Story, the psychotic kid next door that liked to use extreme interrogation methods on his toys. That whole character should have been axed, and all the scenes with the little psycho were not good for kids to see. Nor were the mounds of dead superheros in The Incredibles. Nor,…
New Dr Who Season Three
BBC’s Dr Who and Torchwood have been fun shows to watch. This last season of Dr Who was the best of the new series so far. Three episodes in particular were exceptional, Human Nature, The Family of Blood, and Blink. These shows were written by Paul Cornell, and they were just great. With all due respect to Russell T. Davis for his usual in-your-face Doctor, Paul’s Doctor is a little more down to Earth and little less of a smart ass. The stories were really good, really self-contained, and really emotional. It has been the small details that have made…
Oh The Pain
Maybe I am just a whimp, as my one true love often tells me. But I have these pains. Some are the normal aches and pains of lifting heavy items or working out, but most are just old injuries of one kind or another.I was working on my mum’s house, a rather endless task, as something was always wrong with the place. One time I had folded my six foot four inch frame into that tight little spot under the kitchen sink and was replace an elbow joint. My knees were up around my ears and I needed to shift…
The Mild Obsession
You start a blog and jot down your thoughts. You tell the world what you had for lunch, accompanied by a nifty little photo of the food-filled plate sitting on a white tablecloth. You talk about how it sucks to be you, or how it is so wonderful to be you. You write reviews of movies and tv shows and books. And for a while, you are happy.Then you start flipping around the blog sphere and notice that other bloggers write and receive comments. They link to each other. And they have all this way cool stuff all over their…