Aramis Aftershave

Aramis Classic After Shave Lotion Splash
Animalic, Citrus, Leathery. Aramis created in 1965 by Aramis is classified as a refined, woody, arid fragrance. This masculine scent possesses a blend of rich spices, sandalwood, leather, moss and clove.
Dear Old Dad was an Old Spice man as best as I can recall, and Mom was a fan of White Shoulders. Neither one was much into designer fragrances, and I think Chanel No 5 was about the fanciest scent I had ever heard of. No Aramis Aftershave for my Dad. This was in the glory days before every magazine in the world had a strip with scent of designer label cologne in it.
When it time came for me to Graduate High School, and hopefully make my way in the world and get out of the house for good, I was given a gift of a bottle of Aramis. This was a smell that I really liked, in fact I fell in love with the way Aramis smells. A bit sharp, a bit musky, and totally out of my price range.
Now I can buy a bottle of Aramis whenever I want, but I am a married man. This doesn’t mean that I can’t smell good anymore, or that I shouldn’t smell good for my wife, but that the desire to feel all sexy just isn’t what it once was. Let’s be honest, designer perfumes are all about the sexy.
Armis aftershave is a good aftershave, it is cool and feels nice. I am not one of those men that need to shave three times a day, in fact it is more along the lines of once every three days. So on those semi-rare shaving days, Armamis aftershave is the thing to use.
As a photographer, I often see people dressed up, and it is often surprising to me that these people feel the need to splash on a little designer scent with their dress clothes. This scent is not usually Aramis. This is often something old and familiar, like Sea Breeze or Old Spice on the men. Taboo was always one of my favorite scents, and I do catch a whiff of that very cheap smell once in a while. The richly mixed and subtle designer fragrances, like Aramis, while often pleasant enough, hold no memories for me. Once in a while they are so overwhelming as to be like a force field which forces the rest of the world to bounce away from them. But at least they are trying.
For me the fragrance of daily use is not the wonderful and mysterious Aramis aftershave, it is more the sweet and soothing Brown Sugar Fig of Bath and Body Works. As I said, I am not out for sexy that much any more, just good feelings. But when I do want to feel sexy, I will still reach for a bottle of Aramis.

Published by Jon Herrera

Writer, Photographer, Blogger.