In an effort to prove that the NFL is not the only place where athletes are as dumb as a bag of hammers, Michael Phelps took a hit on a bong and was photographed doing it and now Amanda Beard is posing nude for Playboy. Of course, she did pose nude for PETA during the Olympics, so this is not a huge shocker. And really, posing nude was the logical thing for Amanda Beard, as all Top Professional Swimming Companies have cut way back on their hiring. Even the Home Depot is not that crazy about Olympic athletes anymore.
The Amanda Beard Playboy pics are the usual high quality images that Playboy is famous for, only with a much more aquatic theme to them. There is a nude Amanda Beard floating in a swimming pool, my personal favorite of these silly images. There are also a number of nude photos of a dripping wet Amanda Beard. There is a pretty cliched image of a nude Amanda Beard tossing back her wet hair shot in black and white. I also like the image of a nude Amanda Beard sunbathing on a large rock.
I always expect the Gymnasts to show up in the pages of Playboy, as there are not a lot of Pro Gymnasts out there either, and they are all so cute and flexible. The Amanda Beard Playboy pics are easy enough to find, a quick Google Image Search brings them all up. Is a naked Amanda Beard all that interesting? Well, I prefer a naked Amanda Beard to than a naked Michael Phelps.