That’s newly sprung in June:
O My Luve ‘s like a melodie
That’s sweetly play’d in tune!
Robert Burns
Once upon a time writing a blog meant sitting down every day and talking about what you had for lunch. It was a casual affair. No strings attached. Oh, there might have been the occasional joke about running off to The South of France or finding a small apartment in the Village-but you knew that was just talk. You spent time together, not because you had to, but because you wanted to.
This was bliss, it was that time of new beginnings, where everything is possible. You get up and can’t wait to see your stats, have the number grown? Do you have new subscribers, or have you ran off the few RSS Subscribers that you did have? I am doing this right? Well, I have never really done anything like this before. . .and one thing leads so naturally into another. It is still bliss, but this relationship is heading down that road to just one more routine that has to be done everyday.
Oh, I have read other blogs, there is no shame in that, is there? I have even liked a few of them, only to be disillusioned when I return one day to find that hurtful 404 error, or merely to find that the blog has not be undated in weeks. Oh how my heart is breaking! Ah, to fall for a fickle blog that drifts away into the mists of the might-have-beens. We all know what it is like to love a blog and not have that blog stay the course.
Ah, but then there is that One True Love-the blog that is constant and fresh and has quality content that is often crawled by googlebots. One with images and relevant keywords with at least 5% density. One that has a reading level of High School, and rating of PG-13, and a Technorati Authority well beyond the double digits. Dare, I say it? And an Alexa rank in the Top 100,000. Be still my heart.
But woe betide! Many are the blogs that meet these standards and talk about nothing but the Ten Ways To Monetize Your Blog! How many blogs that are three months old tell me how to make millions from blogging while surely, they do not make millions themselves? Soon follows disappointment and heartbreak. . .
But lo! What light through yon Firebfox browser glows? It is The Blog without an ad, without the desire for Pagerank, that is merely fun to read. Even the occasional blog with way too many ads (in some opinions), can be fun to read as well. And so my heart quickens when I StumbleUpon a new blog that is both fun and hath many Diggs. Alas, they are few and far between. But I have found a few that make the heart light and the pulse beat quickly. Ever the search goes on. As the blogshere turns, the quest shall never end for one more blog to love.
Evilwoobie made me do it. This is my entry into Share Your Love Story Contest on her most worthy site.