Once upon a time The Wife worked at a movie theater, she was one of those people who sat in the glass box and sold tickets. The only real perk of working at a movie theater is that you get to see movies for free. We saw every movie that landed at her theater. I had never noticed that not all theaters get all movies before this. There were a lot of screens and we saw a lot of movies, but a couple of the biggies we wanted to see we had to go elsewhere to see them. One time they had Indian Jones souvenir cups and popcorn bags, but they didn’t have the Indian Jones movie to go with them.
That year we saw every movie that was nominated for an Oscar and we had strong opinions on all nominations in all categories. The Academy Awards are fun to watch for the most part, though some of the production numbers are a serious waste of time. I tend to like the acceptance speeches, though I do appreciated the people who keep it to a nice little thanks and grab.
The Wife has not worked at a movie theater for a while, and she no longer has the temperament of a teenager who can sit and do next to nothing and be paid next to nothing to do it. But I do miss see all the new movies once in a while. Like when Oscar time rolls around.
The Oscar Nominees this year are filled with films and performances I have not seen and have no real opinion on. So I don’t have a lot to say about the actual nominations.
Best Picture of The Year
“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (Paramount and Warner Bros.)
“Frost/Nixon” (Universal)
“Milk” (Focus Features)
“The Reader” (The Weinstein Company)
“Slumdog Millionaire” (Fox Searchlight)
For the first time in a very long time I have seen none of these films. I almost watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, as that kind of sci fi/fantasy thing is right up my alley, but for some reason I skipped it. So I have no horse in this race, and to be honest, I don’t have an horse in any of the other races.
I try to keep up with what is showing and what is coming soon, but movies just aren’t as important to me as they once were. I also tend to see a lot of films as I travel and spend a lot of time in motel rooms with movie channels. There are still good movies being made. I’ll just catch them when they show up on HBO or Showtime.